Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Easy Ways to Learn SEO For Beginners

SEO, or search engine optimization is one of the capabilities that are essential to be owned by the business on the internet. With the support of a team / good SEO skills, of course, your website will be able to "talk a lot" and get a very exciting position in search engines, such as Google.
So the question arises, how easy to learn SEO? Are there any tips or tricks that we can proficient SEO in the not too long? Find the answer just in this article :).
This time I will try to share inspiration about SEO stuff to comrades. Perhaps my knowledge that has not been too much of this can be of great benefit for his friends. How easy way to learn SEO for beginners? Here are some of my inspiration.

1. Start with the Basic Concepts of SEO
But OK, I will try to discuss the basic concepts of SEO here.
The basic concept of SEO is to make our website worthy and deserve to be placed in a good position in search engine results. Already it had basically. All the things that make our website a bad reputation was not SEO. FULL STOP.
So do not easily trust with a variety of SEO tricks "strange" that would not stand out there.
Then as if SEO is good and should we do? Well this is the importance of the following points.

2. Find a Mentor and Teacher you
Learning SEO can indeed be self-taught, but you still need a teacher. Whether it's to learn from the experience of others, experience your comrades who had already pursue SEO, taking a course in SEO, SEO and purchase books and so on.
And never be content with the knowledge and knowledge you already have. Keep learning, from anyone while a positive lesson.
If I may share, I had a lot to learn SEO from fellow bloggers who really have passion in the field of SEO.

3. Fix Your Mindset Yes
 Mindset is very important in doing something. Now try to think carefully.
• Do SEO is an absolute thing in your online business?
• Are by doing "little" SEO your online business can still thrive? Remember, SEO is not the only successful online business. Still there are a variety of other methods.
• What should you do SEO? Are not you can delegate the task of SEO is to people who are more experienced and ready to assist you. Remember, there are a variety of reliable SEO services out there.
Hopefully these three questions had been able to give a reflection on yourself. One thing I want to emphasize, you do not have to master all online business capabilities. Teamwork is one method of achieving success online business.

4. Direct Practice in the Field.
This way is the best way to learn SEO. Yes practices in the field. URLs learn to ride a bike, you can not learn just by reading a book or follow the advice of people. Learn riding a bike it is by trying to directly cycling.
And that learning SEO. Mandatory practices in the field.
Learn from experience.
Well fellow readers, I hope this article SEO for beginners can inspire you yes.
Sorry I did not give detailed discussion about the techniques of SEO or SEO what steps you should do. But I believe with all 4 points mighty above, you already know what you should do in order to be proficient SEO.
Greetings super, and good luck always to you.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

4 Things that Make Unique Boy Girl Crazy

Attractive female attention is not easy. Need special tricks to mollify them. Moreover, the girl is a creature that is not easy to guess. Therefore, make their knees is a tough job.
However, it turns out there are some things that can make most girls crazy when these things owned by a guy. It is unique that makes a guy look sexy in the eyes of a girl. Quoted from AskMen, the following 4 things
1. Scars
Believe it or not, it turns out for most girls, a guy who has a scar look more manly. Bak magnets, scars make him look more masculine, bold, and full of mystery. According to research by Science Daily, researchers from Liverpool University and Sterling said that the girl considers a guy who has a scar as a healthy guy, strong, and brave.
2. Sweat
Any girl who is not crazy about the football player? Or at least, a guy who likes to exercise. Turns sweat makes a guy look more sexy and attractive. For women, there's nothing sexier than seeing a guy who ran the body sweating.
Researchers from the University of Berkeley, California revealed that sweating is a natural perfume. And that makes most girls crazy with sweat guy is androstadienone. The substance is a chemical found in male sweat. These substances also make hormones girls increased and also stimulates sexual desire.
3. Glasses
Surveri from Stockholm University researchers found that girls are more interested in a guy who use glasses. Glasses make a guy look smart. They assume bespectacled guy looks more impressive and easy to communicate.
4. Gardening
Who says gardening work only with girls? In fact, girls assume a guy who likes to take care of the plants as a guy who is responsible and care about the environment.
This is because the necessary patience, attention, and tenderness to care for plants. And just so you know, according to research in the UK, the guy who took the time to gardening 30 minutes each week, have good health and performance in bed.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Guy Secrets

Secrets guys, guys have a lot of secrets. Secrets that deserve to know girl. At least, all that could be common knowledge for women. So expect a girl to better understand guys. Secrets guy from

1. As with any girlfriend also experience about love, guys will find it difficult to escape the express words of love.

2. Guys do not really like when compared with the other guy. Though only for a very trivial thing.

3. The guy tried to be normal if it knew his girlfriend preoccupied with another guy, even though he felt jealous.

4. The guy is hard to say no if a girl ask for help, although there is no love affair altogether.

5. The most lazy guy faced girl who likes to gossip. If it happens, it's just to keep the feeling of his girlfriend.

6. Guys usually difficult to express his feelings.

7. Guys do not like guessing.

8. There is rarely a guy who noticed something in detail from his girlfriend. Guy heading into the more general case considered by others.

9. If the problem hobby, a guy can make his girlfriend to be number two.

10. There is a sense of inferiority and low self-esteem if dicuekin same guy his female friend.

11. Men can fall in love with a girl just because of appearance.

12. Guys also like if unloved or seduced.

13. Men can get attracted to a girl who is very friendly.

14. Dream guy most have a home, luxury cars, and a beautiful wife.

15. Guys often use words that are not in accordance with its meaning

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Importance of Management Life

Set the life necessary for the achievement of life goals career, business or your finances. Management of life plays an important role to make your life really means. It confirms the importance of Management In Life

LIFE Meaning what? And usually most people never think about it! YES or YES?

Well, if you memanagement Your Life with a different meaning then your feelings will also be different. If you feel differently, then your actions will be different. If you act differently, the results are also different. And if the result is different, so different fate. If a different fate, her life was different.

So, here everyone has a different definition of life. If you think life was full of struggle, then your life forever just struggling. Did comfortable if the fighting continues and you do not enjoy life? Here you just fought constantly. Perhaps there is nothing wrong in this, but the definition you describe your life for now and for the future.

Therefore, be careful on the definition of life. You give meaning to life as you want. And if you are wrong in giving meaning to life the Management Number one has Failed Total. The very first in a set of life, you should be able to give it the meaning of life and life as what it is ... (you can answer with your own answer).

If you already give meaning wrong in your life, then you would be wrong emotions. If emotions are wrong, then the action will be incorrect. If your actions are wrong, the result is wrong. If the result is wrong, then the fate One. And if your destiny is wrong, then your life will be wrong.

So here, You decide what your life will be like and how. If you are wrong in giving meaning, then for the future will be one of your life. Here, you also specify the definition of your life itself. This is step number one in the management of life.

Finally, I hope this article brings beneficial for your understanding in managing all aspects of your life to the life changes that you expect.

I love being myself .. Living life in the way God planned ,, and achieve the best thing God has provided.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Power Required to Attract Men to Know

What is most interesting woman in the face with a man? Regardless of physical appearance that may be tempting, men also have sex appeal that could make women attracted.

Attractiveness that makes him look 'sexy' in the eyes of women. Know some attractiveness of men who could make women crazy, as quoted from Betty Confidential:

The criteria, among others, have establishments, not arrogant, confident, calm, and has an attitude to protect women. Courage to act as high risk or danger challenge will also release a sexy element of the body. Masculinity is also often measured by how men treat women. For example, lend a hand to help her on the way to steep slopes, or simply embrace. Little attention such a man can make a woman's heart flowered.

One that can make a woman is a man enamored with a sense of humor. It has its own personal charm as it tends to make the atmosphere is always interesting. Some women also look at personal 'naughty' as one element of a man sexy. Women also like to personally tough guy, not a coward, and not overbearing.

Intelligent men usually a lot of reading. This makes it can discuss various topics without arrogance. Its ability to stimulate the mind in a conversation makes him look very sexy in her eyes.
Eye contact. This is the first thing that often do men before communicating with a woman. And, women usually assess male sexiness of her eyes. This look into the size sexy in her eyes. Regardless gaze, women love to be considered a man.

Ideal posture man with a flat stomach and muscular arms, not only look sexy but also thought to protect women. In addition to body shape, fragrance and fashion choices also can lift a man sexy element. "The way he left a lasting impression is to use fresh scented perfume or perfume favorite,"

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Strengthen Mental Business, Say Sentence It In Yourself

If someone has chosen the course as a businessman means he was ready to enter the environment in which even the worst thing could happen. Being a businessman should understand that life is not always as expected. There are times when a business carried on running smoothly and bring in much revenue coffers. But at other times it is quite possible disaster came and swept property owned.
A motivator and seasoned businessman, Karl Perera stated in the business world there is a syndrome called Victim Mentality. Simply put Victim Mentality means a person with a mental state conditions were very weak business.
Generally, the person will be very difficult to accept the conditions fall really fell in his work. According to observers, many businesses fail because they have not been able to move on from the syndrome. As a solution, there are some ideas that should be possessed of a true businessman. Here are some mantra mentally weak healer businessmen.
 "When things are not as expected, I'm sure I cause"
The first point is aware of what is happening to us is certainly caused by ourselves. Pressure that often arise when getting the failure is due to blame other people or things outside of yourself. By seeking to justify ourselves we will not be separated from mental illness, we must admit the possibility of error.
"I believe the fate, even though it does not take sides my destiny"
If you still feel you've done everything well. The next stage is aware of destiny. Destiny is a ruler that has been set God. We've tried as much as possible, but if fate would, we should accept without questioning.
In addition to receiving the good and bad fate, we also can make peace with our own hearts. If we have previously felt mentally destroyed, try to realign our mental as may be after this destiny will say another.
"When others disappoint me, I will accept"
Strong mentality in the business world is also evident from how we receive treatment or negative words from others. Negative input could come not only from colleagues, employees, or customers, but also the environment and even the family. The key is how we tell ourselves that we accept all of it with sincerity.
For those who are mentally weak, will not necessarily swallow the negative things that result in mental destruction of the business. But for mental owner of steel, the input will be processed first. In imaginary, imagine we have a giant tube in the hearts and minds to accommodate all the bad input. And at a certain point we will burn up "poison" the mental.
"When I talk to myself, I have never had a discussion upbeat"
Next get used to brainstorm with yourself about the various things about the business undertaken. Do not Think positive achievement of what has been achieved but what deficiencies are still hunting us. When you want to know the solution will be a problem, sometimes the best way is to ask yourself.
What is wrong, what is still weaken ourselves. The more we know the weaknesses and all the negative things we are, the more mantab our mental anyway. If something bad happens, we are ready with positive thinking and aware of the shortcomings of what should be changed.
"God punished for a reason"
As we know Spiritual quotients or spiritual competence take a very important role in a person's success as a whole. Why do I say as a whole, because in fact there are people who do not believe in God but still be successful. But success is still incomplete, while failure whack when they think they've done arbitrarily perfectly. They will come to a dead end how it could happen.
But the advantage of still having the Lord, for it is God who became human life shaft. When businesses are undertaken to fail, certainly all of the above have been determined. Grateful to get the smooth bisnsis, and surrendered after doing the best. And if there is something bad, self-evaluation sendri. Perhaps there is an error that must be corrected immediately.
Mental problems a business is very abstract, but precisely because it is abstraks pulled fact we can find all the answers quite armed with our own hearts and minds.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Success Tips Applying OIM Methods in Business

In business there is one named OIM strategy often used by businesses to build their business. OIM is an acronym for Observe, Echoes, and Modification.
This strategy is believed to be an effective way to be able to make the business a businessman so more quickly expand and grow. Because by observing, imitating and modify other businesses that have been successful, an entrepreneur no longer need to think about the latest business ideas that take a long time.
The products that we can make an example of doing modification is the Samsung Galaxy Tab. This product is actually trying to follow the success of the iPad. However, in the production process, they are not copied the iPad but they do a differentiation that has added value. As a result, the Samsung Galaxy Tab now been able to dominate the market and beat Apple products.
Then as if the technique of applying the method OIM is good and right in this business? Here are 5 tips on successfully implementing motode OIM that you can use for your business.

1. Do Tracing
If we want to take the example of a country that is often applied by OIM strategy is China. China is a country known for counterfeit products it. Despite much criticism from other countries, this bamboo curtain country would not give a damn. They always just 'closed ear' and create an alibi that the request came they often do not coincide with the product-quality demands.
The buyer they think they prefer the low price rather than quality. Products made in China is famous with counterfeit goods which are very similar to the original with a sloping price.
But unfortunately this is often done instead of modifying China, but plagiarized. This is what makes Chinese products do not have the strength or reliability in terms of the brand. Products made in China have actually been many branded as inferior quality and cheap products. The definition of the ATM method is to modify, not to replicate 100 percent aka plagiarized.
"You can learn from your competitors, but never imitate. When you imitate, you will die "~ Jack Ma, Founder

2. Should the New Idea
There are still many people who think that he should be able to self-employed make the business really is a new business that no attempt had no rival. This is wrong thinking. To start a business does not have to always be with a new idea.
It could be your latest innovations or discoveries on your business, but to create a business that is really new membutukan you will need a long time because you have a lot to think about new things about your new business idea.
And one thing more likely to fail in business with new ideas is also still there and even greater than the existing business. This failure is caused by many things are still not reflected by the market or the new business itself.
"Capital is not so important in business. Experience is not so important. You can get both of these things. What is important is the idea of ​​"~ Harvey Firestone, founder of Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.

3. Fix Lack of Market
Being a business modifier that means you should be able to know the market demand has been formed and tried to rectify these deficiencies. By knowing in advance the product deficiency then you are able to fix it then your business will have its own unique strengths and character that is not owned by anyone else. This is the real core of the said modifications in OIM business methods.

4. The Secret Mystery Company
Often some employers did understand that when they've done OIM technique correctly, then the business will be successful quickly. This is misguided, applying the method of OIM in business is simply part of imitating the outside of the existing business. Will still much that we will not understand from the existing business as the most definitive example is a company secret.
Who entrepreneurs who would dare divulge company secrets? This is what must be understood together by businessmen. Then try searching mystery successful companies as much as possible to make your business successful OIM method successfully.

5. Note the Process
In any business, the process has always been the most important thing. A business that has been running and successful business must have been various stages of the named process. Failures with learning stories in it are things that have passed such a successful business.
To make the business run perfectly, they have passed the stage or trial and error process that repeatedly and finally found the best thing which is then used as the default system. This process is forming a business becomes mature and ready for use, including business with OIM method.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

How to Make Money From Internet

Growth in the number of Internet users in the world is currently experiencing a rapid increase, and this directly gives the opportunity for many people to make money from the internet. If we look, the online business has become one of the most promising business opportunities today. How not, some online businesses that I know could have a monthly income with no small amount. I need not mention numbers, but the numbers in tens times more than my salary when I was working in an office. Probably most of us would be tempted to want to start their own online business, but they do not know how to earn money from the internet. If you are an internet marketer (online marketers) who is an expert, perhaps to make money from the internet is not something difficult. However, a different story if you're a beginner (newbie) in the world of online marketing. Instead of getting money, how aja still confused, just like I used hehehe. This topic had been frequently discussed in the media, the media either online or offline media. However, I still think there are many people who are still looking for and continue to collect information about how to earn money from the internet. Do not be far away, consider the time line of your friends on Facebook or on Twitter, certainly a lot of talk about this topic. Even when you're reading this article, you must have been looking for information on how to earn money from the internet. Well, I will discuss some type of online business that can provide income. Some of which I discuss this based on my experience, and several others based on the experiences of my friends who also works as an online entrepreneur.

1. Through the Ad Program Website / Blog 

As you can see in this blog or in some other blogs you've visited, advertising space on your blog / website is one of the effective ways to earn money online. If overseas - particularly the USA - mostly their blog or website listed in Google Adsense program, the advertising program owned by Google where publishers can earn money from Google Adsense ad clicks in their blogs. This program is called with PPC (Pay Per Click), the publisher will be paid every click made by visitors (visitors) a website or blog, where the cost per click has been determined in advance by the Advertiser (advertisers). Besides Google Adsense, there are many other companies that offer an opportunity for publishers to earn money from their site. Some of the online advertising company from abroad that offer the same program is,, While domestic include,,,, and others. Want to make $ 100 /day from Google Adsense? Learn how at this page! The secret is to be consistent and persistent in building your website content! In addition to PPC program, to earn money from a website can be a way to provide advertising space on the site. Usually pretty much Advertisers who are interested in advertising on a blog if your blog has content with a specific topic and visitornya pretty much. This ad space price is determined by the owner of the blog or can be based on negotiations between the Advertiser and the owner of the blog. Maybe you've never heard of a publisher with a fantastic income, there is even a publisher can earn hundreds of millions to billions of dollars per month from their blogs. You interested? Wait a minute, all it takes hard work and it took a long time. Take a look at the next online business opportunity.

2. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketers are people who sell other people's products and earn a percentage commission (depending on the product owner) of every sale done. This type of business is done by a lot of online businesses, both abroad and within the country. Products sold by an affiliate marketer is very diverse, ranging from digital products, to products in physical form, or even a combination of both. Affiliate programs that I follow is the affiliate program of, and is a digital product marketplace nation's children. Most digital products marketed in the Roll is a product that is related to internet marketing that is packaged in the form of eBooks, Software, and membership. For the owner of a blog / website that builds content related to blogging, online business and internet marketing, I highly recommend to join the affiliate marketer in Flatten. Most of the products is much sought after by Internet marketers, and range offered sizable commission, which is about 25% - 75% per sale from an affiliate link in your possession. Read articles about Flatten HERE. is the largest online retailer in the world, where most of its products are in physical form. Categories of products that are sold at this online store are numerous, ranging from cheap to very expensive, ranging from small to large. Such as books, digital cameras, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, chairs, table, toiletries, kitchen utensils, even underwear is no sale there hehehe. provides an opportunity for all owners of websites / blogs around the world to earn money from affiliate programs they provide. The amount of the commissions earned by the publisher Amazon is about 4% - 8% of total sales, and depending on how many publishers are selling products from More and more products are sold, the higher the percentage of commissions paid. is a place that provides products in digital form, such as ebooks, software, and also membership. This affiliate program is also very much favored by internet marketers around the world because the commission rate is very large, even some product owners are willing to give a commission of up to 75% of the price of the product to the publisher.

3. Business Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Online

Well, if you've talked MLM certainly many who live lazy hehehe. In the past, I did, too. I do not like the conventional MLM business because of the system and how I see it when I first knew MLM, impressed the referrals were made as peonage and uplinenya only served to motivate. Maybe it's just my mind, but in reality many members who finally gave up. In addition, I also do not like the conventional working methods in MLM old way, in which the members must often follow the meetings, preparing presentations to prospective new members, must seduce, need frequent follow-up, and more. Surely not everyone can do these things, including me hehehe. Online MLM Business Multi Level Marketing is a business that can be run online without having to interfere with daily activities. This is what makes me very interested in this online MLM business model.

4. Opens Online Store

The online store is a virtual store where customers can buy products for sale in the online store directly from the website. Currently there are many businesses that already have their own online store, whether it is selling its own products or sell other people's products to resellers or dropship system. I myself have run an online business by opening an online store where I sell other people's products in a way dropshiping. I opened the online store and display the products are sold online, if there are customers who purchase and had to transfer to my account then I would immediately contact the supplier. Disadvantages dropship business is when the items to be purchased by the customer did not exist then the transaction will not occur. That is why we must work closely with suppliers who are competent, and trustworthy. I personally prefer open an online store to sell goods themselves, fortunately more and we can adjust the velocity of money and products. It will work more and spend quite a lot of time, ranging from the provision of goods, packing, to delivery. It was back to business actors, which is the most suitable done.

5. Business Services Provider Online

This business is also pretty much done by online businesses. There are many types of services required by people and can be done online. Among them is the article writing service providers, providers of online promotional services, service providers SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and many more. So, if you have the skills - anything - you can sell them online. One type of service that I have ever sold online is a service building backlinks to a website, and content writing services to a blog article. Apparently quite a lot of people who need these services. Income can be obtained from any article writing services can be hundreds to thousands of dollars per month depending on the number of requests from customers. Actually there are quite a lot that can be done to get money from the internet. But that does not mean we have to do everything to get the desired results. Should select one or two types of online businesses that are suitable and capable you do, do it seriously, and you will see results. Do the research for you bisnisi, and do analysis to determine your Internet business development, keep the spirit, do continuously. And see the results within a few days, weeks, months, or years. This article is already too long, this only can I review on how to earn money from the internet. Hope can provide inspiration for you. Send regards for success.