Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Strengthen Mental Business, Say Sentence It In Yourself

If someone has chosen the course as a businessman means he was ready to enter the environment in which even the worst thing could happen. Being a businessman should understand that life is not always as expected. There are times when a business carried on running smoothly and bring in much revenue coffers. But at other times it is quite possible disaster came and swept property owned.
A motivator and seasoned businessman, Karl Perera stated in the business world there is a syndrome called Victim Mentality. Simply put Victim Mentality means a person with a mental state conditions were very weak business.
Generally, the person will be very difficult to accept the conditions fall really fell in his work. According to observers, many businesses fail because they have not been able to move on from the syndrome. As a solution, there are some ideas that should be possessed of a true businessman. Here are some mantra mentally weak healer businessmen.
 "When things are not as expected, I'm sure I cause"
The first point is aware of what is happening to us is certainly caused by ourselves. Pressure that often arise when getting the failure is due to blame other people or things outside of yourself. By seeking to justify ourselves we will not be separated from mental illness, we must admit the possibility of error.
"I believe the fate, even though it does not take sides my destiny"
If you still feel you've done everything well. The next stage is aware of destiny. Destiny is a ruler that has been set God. We've tried as much as possible, but if fate would, we should accept without questioning.
In addition to receiving the good and bad fate, we also can make peace with our own hearts. If we have previously felt mentally destroyed, try to realign our mental as may be after this destiny will say another.
"When others disappoint me, I will accept"
Strong mentality in the business world is also evident from how we receive treatment or negative words from others. Negative input could come not only from colleagues, employees, or customers, but also the environment and even the family. The key is how we tell ourselves that we accept all of it with sincerity.
For those who are mentally weak, will not necessarily swallow the negative things that result in mental destruction of the business. But for mental owner of steel, the input will be processed first. In imaginary, imagine we have a giant tube in the hearts and minds to accommodate all the bad input. And at a certain point we will burn up "poison" the mental.
"When I talk to myself, I have never had a discussion upbeat"
Next get used to brainstorm with yourself about the various things about the business undertaken. Do not Think positive achievement of what has been achieved but what deficiencies are still hunting us. When you want to know the solution will be a problem, sometimes the best way is to ask yourself.
What is wrong, what is still weaken ourselves. The more we know the weaknesses and all the negative things we are, the more mantab our mental anyway. If something bad happens, we are ready with positive thinking and aware of the shortcomings of what should be changed.
"God punished for a reason"
As we know Spiritual quotients or spiritual competence take a very important role in a person's success as a whole. Why do I say as a whole, because in fact there are people who do not believe in God but still be successful. But success is still incomplete, while failure whack when they think they've done arbitrarily perfectly. They will come to a dead end how it could happen.
But the advantage of still having the Lord, for it is God who became human life shaft. When businesses are undertaken to fail, certainly all of the above have been determined. Grateful to get the smooth bisnsis, and surrendered after doing the best. And if there is something bad, self-evaluation sendri. Perhaps there is an error that must be corrected immediately.
Mental problems a business is very abstract, but precisely because it is abstraks pulled fact we can find all the answers quite armed with our own hearts and minds.

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