Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Success Tips Applying OIM Methods in Business

In business there is one named OIM strategy often used by businesses to build their business. OIM is an acronym for Observe, Echoes, and Modification.
This strategy is believed to be an effective way to be able to make the business a businessman so more quickly expand and grow. Because by observing, imitating and modify other businesses that have been successful, an entrepreneur no longer need to think about the latest business ideas that take a long time.
The products that we can make an example of doing modification is the Samsung Galaxy Tab. This product is actually trying to follow the success of the iPad. However, in the production process, they are not copied the iPad but they do a differentiation that has added value. As a result, the Samsung Galaxy Tab now been able to dominate the market and beat Apple products.
Then as if the technique of applying the method OIM is good and right in this business? Here are 5 tips on successfully implementing motode OIM that you can use for your business.

1. Do Tracing
If we want to take the example of a country that is often applied by OIM strategy is China. China is a country known for counterfeit products it. Despite much criticism from other countries, this bamboo curtain country would not give a damn. They always just 'closed ear' and create an alibi that the request came they often do not coincide with the product-quality demands.
The buyer they think they prefer the low price rather than quality. Products made in China is famous with counterfeit goods which are very similar to the original with a sloping price.
But unfortunately this is often done instead of modifying China, but plagiarized. This is what makes Chinese products do not have the strength or reliability in terms of the brand. Products made in China have actually been many branded as inferior quality and cheap products. The definition of the ATM method is to modify, not to replicate 100 percent aka plagiarized.
"You can learn from your competitors, but never imitate. When you imitate, you will die "~ Jack Ma, Founder

2. Should the New Idea
There are still many people who think that he should be able to self-employed make the business really is a new business that no attempt had no rival. This is wrong thinking. To start a business does not have to always be with a new idea.
It could be your latest innovations or discoveries on your business, but to create a business that is really new membutukan you will need a long time because you have a lot to think about new things about your new business idea.
And one thing more likely to fail in business with new ideas is also still there and even greater than the existing business. This failure is caused by many things are still not reflected by the market or the new business itself.
"Capital is not so important in business. Experience is not so important. You can get both of these things. What is important is the idea of ​​"~ Harvey Firestone, founder of Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.

3. Fix Lack of Market
Being a business modifier that means you should be able to know the market demand has been formed and tried to rectify these deficiencies. By knowing in advance the product deficiency then you are able to fix it then your business will have its own unique strengths and character that is not owned by anyone else. This is the real core of the said modifications in OIM business methods.

4. The Secret Mystery Company
Often some employers did understand that when they've done OIM technique correctly, then the business will be successful quickly. This is misguided, applying the method of OIM in business is simply part of imitating the outside of the existing business. Will still much that we will not understand from the existing business as the most definitive example is a company secret.
Who entrepreneurs who would dare divulge company secrets? This is what must be understood together by businessmen. Then try searching mystery successful companies as much as possible to make your business successful OIM method successfully.

5. Note the Process
In any business, the process has always been the most important thing. A business that has been running and successful business must have been various stages of the named process. Failures with learning stories in it are things that have passed such a successful business.
To make the business run perfectly, they have passed the stage or trial and error process that repeatedly and finally found the best thing which is then used as the default system. This process is forming a business becomes mature and ready for use, including business with OIM method.

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