Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Before proceeding about the internet how to make money later , you have to understand one by one means make a smooth way to make money on the internet is among the E-mail , E-mail history , understanding E-mail , E-mail usability and more . Well let us know about E-mail : 1 . understanding Email Email is the most popular online activity among Internet users either you are using it just to simply communicate or are working at home or working in an office . This creates a great business opportunity for small and large companies . The marketer can use email to stay ahead with the customer and prospects . What is Email ? Email is electronic mail use is now supported by 3 types of internet protocol , ie the Post Office Protocol , also known as POP , Internet Mail Access Protocoldisebut also IMAP , and the third is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol , which is called SMTP . Of the three types of Internet protocol , according to the digital magazine of asiacomputerweekly ( ) email that uses the internet protocol of the web site itself is referred to as web mail will dominate market share . Why is email so popular ? Because email is a means of communication that is easily accessible and cost-effectively and rapidly in a matter of seconds a person is able to receive and send emails to anywhere in the world . 2 . history of Email What is the actual age of email ? Thirty years ago may of us never have thought that the use of email has evolved as it is today . Thirty years ago the email is still in the form of a simple message that is sent in small networks . But now a message that sederhanan it has initiated a revolution in the history of mankind communications . The message is now referred to as e-mail , or electronic mail sent from a computer to another computer in a network . The first message in the form of a simple email is designed by a scientist named Ray Tomlinson of BBN Technologies . 3 . Email difference with the usual letter As it has been previously described , send email is a means of sending mail via the Internet . E-Mail is one mailings Process via the Internet by using a very short time and fast ( + - 1 minute ) . Terms of sending E - mail ( Send a letter to the internet ) is : 1 . Creating an email address example : 2 . Knowing the username and password of the email ; " account and password " . 3 . Knowing E - mail on the go . Internet has many free email service providers , such as , , , . You can create a free email there . Email difference Ordinary Letter E-Mail : • It only takes a very short time ( + - 1 minute ) • E-mail address ( such as an email address is not home address ) • Enough with the Internet network • Data security / securities guaranteed . Ordinary letter / stamp • By regular mail senders usually need to pay per delivery ( by buying stamps ) . • Addressing Home / Office • It takes a long time • Mail Security is not guaranteed That bit about the history of e - mails that will be very useful for business and for personal . May be useful.

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